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HEROES partners meet in Norway for the 2nd Consortium meeting

On 13 and 14 June 2022, the second Consortium Meeting of the HEROES project took place in Stavanger, Norway where Beyonder welcomed all the partners on site.

On the first day, the GA started with updates on the management of the project by the project coordinator, Turi Kvame Lorentzen. HEROES is entering into its second year! The rest of the day was dedicated to the Scientific and Technical Committee in which the technical Work Packages presented their progress. WP3 – LiC cells optimization and production led by Xiaoyong Xia from Beyonder; WP4 – Cell characterization led by Hanne Flaten Andersen from the Institute for Energy Technology and Erik Schaltz from Aalborg University; WP5 – Sub-system assembly including modules and BMS led by Florian Forst from ElringKlinger and Enrico Baldasso from Lithium Balance; WP6 – Full system assembly and energy management system with cloud infrastructure led by Lukas Bellut from SIEMENS and WP7 – Prototype demonstration in charging station by Henrik Hamelung from Bestoraged. At the end of the first day, the partners had the opportunity to visit the battery manufacturing facilities at Beyonder and enjoyed a nice Norwegian dinner by the Sola beach.

For the second day of the GA, the last two Work Packages were presented: WP8 – Sustainability by Julio Fierro from ENSO Innovation, and WP9 – Dissemination, communication and exploitation by Claire Lemaire from the European Association for Storage of Energy and Pablo Arino from Sustainable Innovations. The GA was concluded by some encouraging words by Turi Kvame Lorentzen, coordinator of the project, and a summary of events that partners will be attending in the coming months to present HEROES.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N. 963574 . 

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