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HEROES final event - October 10th 2024

Updated: Sep 25, 2024

The HEROES project will culminate with the final event, which will take place at Fraunhofer ICT (Karlsruhe, Germany) on October 10th. Participants have the exclusive opportunity to witness a live demonstration of fast car charging in just 17.5 minutes and to discuss the project results, which are poised to contribute to the EU’s goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2050.

This final event will give you the opportunity to discover the HEROES System, a disruptive hybrid high power/high energy stationary storage system designed for fast EV charging. It combines Li-ion capacitors and Li-ion batteries to achieve efficient and sustainable fast-charging solutions. You will learn about all the R&D endeavours that led to these accomplishments, such as advances in Lithium-ion batteries, a novel battery management system, and a sophisticated energy management system, and also discover how the combined efforts of the Consortium partners have propelled the HEROES project to the forefront of scientific and technological advancements.

During the visit to the HEROES demo site, grab the chance to explore the latest advancements in electric motor testing, performance and design, available at the Fraunhofer ICT facilities.

The event will be a unique opportunity to engage with leading experts in the field of energy storage and EV infrastructure and explore new market opportunities arising from the projects results. We are very excited for you to join us to celebrate the culmination of the HEROES project and witness the future of technology and innovation. Don’t miss your chance to network with peers and stakeholders who share the commitment to sustainable and efficient transport solutions! You can check the event's agenda below.

You can register to the HEROES final event here


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Hand Waving Out of Car

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N. 963574 . 

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