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HEROES at the Danish Battery Summit - Sønderborg, Denmark

Updated: Mar 13

HEROES attended the Fifth edition of the Energy Storage Global Conference (ESGC), organised by EASE - The European Association for Storage of Energy, one of the HEROES partner, which took place from 11-13 October in Brussels, Belgium.

The Energy Storage Global Conference offers a unique opportunity to industry, researchers and policymakers to exchange views on key issues for the storage sector. Representatives from around the world came together for three days to discuss the latest developments in energy storage technologies, regulatory and policy frameworks, and the future storage market.

For this edition, each day focused on a different theme:

  • POLICY: Challenges to the development of energy storage.

  • MARKET: Learn from successful and innovative business cases, trends, storage applications.

  • TECHNOLOGY: New in-the-money opportunities.

HEROES, with its innovative charging solutions, was present at the ESGC to disseminate and raise awareness on the project and its objectives.

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